How to win

Downloading Dragon Tiger Predictor is a simple process, similar to downloading any other app on your smartphone.

For Android Users:

Open the Google Play Store: Tap on the Google Play Store icon on your Android device.

Search for Dragon Tiger Predictor: In the search bar, type “Dragon Tiger Predictor” and press enter.

Download the App: Click on the “Install” button, and the app will be downloaded and installed on your device.

For iPhone Users:

Open the App Store: Tap on the App Store icon on your iPhone.

Search for Dragon Tiger Predictor: Type “Dragon Tiger Predictor” in the search bar and press enter.

Download the App: Tap on the “Get” button to download and install the app on your iPhone.


The Dragon Tiger Predictor can be a valuable tool for any Dragon Tiger enthusiast, providing insights and predictions based on past game data. However, it’s crucial to remember that Dragon Tiger is a game of chance, and while the predictor can help guide your betting decisions, it doesn’t guarantee a win. Always gamble responsibly and enjoy the thrill that Dragon Tiger brings.